A New Journey Ahead

Update 11/1/19: I didn’t update my other blog because I was too lazy. There are so much things to study everyday and I…can’t keep up. *Sheepish laugh*. I will be sticking to this blog for as long as I can until the media library runs out of space (Because I don’t have the moolah to do an upgrade) 

Wow I haven’t updated for nearly a month!

Anyway, here’s what I am doing now:


Yes you got it. I have officially left Greendot (in terms of employment) to pursue my degree in TCM. Today’s the first day of the semester but lessons start proper tomorrow.

It wasn’t an easy decision and I often get bombarded with questions such as “Where are you going to work next time?” and “How are you financing your tuition fees? You won’t be working for 5 years!” Yes, 5 years is no joke. By then, peers of my age would have already settled down, achieved managerial positions in their career, and advance far ahead in society. Whereas I would probably be starting from scratch again.

But then again, you can’t go far without good health. By the time you retire, no one will care about your profession – whether you are a CEO, a marketer or a business development manager. Everyone will be concerned about their health when warning signals start to emerge once the body takes a toll, and they will be scurrying around to find doctors and physicians.

Never boast about how much wealth you have in your possession. In the hospital, your bills will be treated like waste paper.

Never boast about how much you have achieved for your career. When you fall, there will be thousands who will be more outstanding and capable than you.

Never boast about how luxurious your house is. Once you are gone, it will be someone else’s home.

Never boast about how fast and furious your car is. Once you are gone, the car keys will belong to someone else.

The only thing you can boast when you have nothing left, is your health.

For the sake of bringing health, happiness and hope to people in need, I am willing to take the path less ventured. When there’s a will, there will be a way.

Oh yes I have started another blog to document my journey. I hope to fill it with color, instead of repeating the mistake I made during my uni days – drowning myself in essays and studying and feeling dejected when my efforts didn’t yield the results I wanted.

Blog link is here: superrandomworld.blogspot.com

I am not sure what will happen to this blog now but since I have been airing my kinda dirty laundry and voicing out my innermost thoughts here for the past few posts, I guess I will keep it this way.

Till then!